Monday, November 21, 2016

26 Things You Should be Thankful for, but Probably Aren't

Thanksgiving is here, and that means it's time to give thanks for all the blessings bestowed upon us.  But to truly have the right heart for appreciation, one must be able to give thanks in all things. That means giving thanks for the good as well as the bad, but nobody wants to give thanks for bad stuff.  After all, it's bad, and it has hurt us and it has made our lives difficult.

So to help you truly give thanks for the most difficult things in our lives, I wanted to share 26 things that you should give thanks for but probably aren't. 

26 Things to Give Thanks for that You Probably Aren't. 

Aggravation and Annoyances
Betrayal and Bewilderment
Conflict and Confrontation 
Disappointment and Dismay
Embarrassing Events
Failure and Friction
Growing Pains and Gray Hairs
Injustice, Impatience, and Insecurity 
Jerks and Jams
Knives in the back and Knotheads
Loss  and Long Meetings
Mistakes and Misfortune
No's and Not Yets
Overwhelming Days
Painful Moments and Pettiness
Quirky People
Rejection and Retaliation
Setbacks, Scars, and Stress
Turmoil and Tyrants
Volatile People
Wounds and Weariness
Youthful Inexperience

If you made it through the list, how many of these bad things have found their way into your life?  If you said all of them, consider yourself lucky because that means you are living your life to its fullest. You have been stretched by these items, and they have brought you to where you are today. Give thanks in these things for they are responsible for making you the excellent person you are today.

Happy Thanksgiving

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